Our Chapter Manifesto


We believe all people deserve access to nourishing, flavorful food that they can fully enjoy.

We believe all people can be powerful agents of change to elevate health, culture, and community by transforming the food system.

We believe everyone benefits from an abundance of culturally significant, sustainable, flavorful foods. We are grateful for the Native people and their care of this land and water that produced the diversity of foods here today.

THEREFORE we pledge to uphold and promote the vitality of our food system through celebration, awareness, and work to make good, clean, fair food available to everyone.

We are committed to:


The pleasure of food is universal. The capacity to enjoy food is one of the great equalizers in societies everywhere. The acquisition of food-related skills and delight in flavor should be open to all, regardless of cultural or economic status. 

Food builds community. We gather and share food in order to enrich and widen our relationships with other people. 


Local foods have deep significance. We eat and promote local, seasonal foods because doing so supports self-sufficiency and a strong local food system. We do the same because these foods are more delicious. We learn as much as we can about mindfully preparing and eating wild and locally grown foods.

Biodiversity is central to sustainable agriculture. In concert with nature, we strive to help people and the planet by growing our own food, promoting a diverse array of foods, and supporting those who protect and grow them: Native food keepers, home gardeners, and small-scale farms. 


Good food policy is central to creating a resilient regional food system. We make concrete our commitment to the universal pleasure of food. By this, we ensure that all people are free to make positive, healthy, culturally appropriate decisions about the food they eat. Food policy work pulls us to a wider contribution than our personal practice of growing, buying, and eating good, clean, fair food. 

Food change takes a village. No one person or group alone can challenge the industrial food system. Through persistent, joyful, intentional acts we can transform the everyday experiences all people have with the food they eat.